Regosol belongs to the major soil types of Europe. Most of the European Regosols are found in the Mediterranean region and the Balkan Peninsula. However, they can be found in nearly all around the continent.
Regosols are present at all climate zones without permafrost and at all elevations. Regosols are particularly common in arid areas, in the dry tropics and in mountain regions. Global coverage of this Reference Soil Group accounts to approximately 2.6 million km2. Regosols are common inclusions in other map units on small-scale maps.
A Regosol is a very weakly developed mineral soil in unconsolidated materials with only a limited surface horizon having formed. Regosols form a taxonomic rest group containing all soil types that cannot be accommodated in any of the other WRB Reference Groups. Regosols are extensive in eroding lands
Limiting factors for the development of Regosols range from low soil temperatures and prolonged dryness to characteristics of the parent material or erosion.
The options for land use and management of these soils vary widely. Some Regosols are used for irrigated farming but generally they are kept for low volume grazing. In mountain areas Regosols are mostly forested.