Phaeozems are found in wet steppe (prairie) regions of the world, covering an estimated 1.9 million km2 world-wide.
Phaeozems develop on loess, glacial till and other unconsolidated, predominantly basic materials on flat to undulating topography. These soils are much like Chernozems and Kastanozems but more intensively leached in wet seasons. Consequently, they have a dark, humus-rich surface horizon and have no secondary carbonates in the upper metre of soil.
Soils in this Reference Soil Group are porous, well-aerated soils with moderate to strong, very stable, crumb to blocky structures. The organic matter content of the surface layer of Phaeozems is typically around 5. Phaeozems have good water storage properties but may still be short of water in dry seasons. Phaeozems are fertile soils, making excellent soil for agricultural production.
The main areas of Pheozems in the European Union are found in central and eastern Europe and Spain.