
Upscaling from local to regional

These are the source documents for the iSQAPERiS section »Upscaling from local to regional.

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Here we report on definition of typical combinations of farming systems and agricultural practices in Europe and China and their effects on soil quality.

Please cite as: Iglesias, A. et al. (2018) Report on definition of typical combinations of farming systems and agricultural practices in Europe and China and their effects on soil quality. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 7.1, 87 pp. Available at www.isqaper-is.eu/documents

This report aims to understand, at the continental scale, how agricultural management practices that mitigate soil threats also affect other ecosystem services in different farming systems in Europe and China. The results show that even with a relatively modest 10% increase in implementation of practices that add organic matter, reduce tillage, increase crop rotation and organic farming, the effect on crop yield, soil organic matter and soil biodiversity is significant in most European and China regions and for all the crops considered in this study.

Please cite as: Garrote L., Santillán D., Iglesias A. (2018) Report on key management practices affecting soil quality and their applicability in various farming systems. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 7.2 140 pp. Available at www.isqaper-is.eu/documents

Scenarios of future farm and soil management systems for improved productivity and enhanced soil quality are developed using a multi-actor approach.

Please cite as: Iglesias A., Garrote L., Santillán D. (2020) Report on scenarios of future farm and soil management systems. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 7.3 19 pp. Available at www.isqaper-is.eu/documents

We evaluate the soil environmental footprint for a range of policy scenarios using the model tools in Europe and China. The soil environmental footprint is defined by a combination of the soil quality indicators developed in "Farming systems and their effects on soil quality" and "Effect of management on soil quality". The scenarios developed in "Soil management scenarios" are then applied to the upscaling model to evaluate changes in the soil quality indicators driven by changes in agricultural management practices. Changes in soil environmental footprint are quantified in terms of the effect of management practices on soil productivity, nutrients and biodiversity.

Please cite as: Garrote L., Santillán D., Iglesias A. (2019) Report on the evaluation of scenarios of changed soil environmental footprint for a range of policy scenarios. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 7.4 64 pp. Available at www.isqaper-is.eu/documents


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